21 July 2006

Honey Suckle Toy

Honey suckle is kind of plant similar to catnip which makes cats high!

Not all my cats love catnip toys.  Therefore I bought these two honey suckle octopus from Pattyhouse.

WOW! All my cats love them so much!  Huey licked on the octopus heads while Mike chewed on their hands!  Huey and Milk were so high that they kept rubbing their faces onto the little octopus toys!


eggegg said...

��拐�����? �����拐����冽��? ��賢椰��拙��? 雿W�唳�����high !?

roboman said...

Honey suckle 憿�隡� catnip, ��臭誑隞文�啗��鞎����憟�, 閰梯牧撠� catnip ��∪��������鞎�鞎�撠望��撠� honey suckle ���������, 暺���交��摰嗉��鞎�撠���拇見璊���拚�賣��璆� high ��������� @_@