19 April 2007


今天家中多了一隻黑色的羊毛貓, 純黑色, 長毛, 性格美麗兼温柔, 她就是 HUEY 的媽媽 .


誰是真兇 ?

Huey 三歲了

2007 年 4 月 17 日是 HUEY 三歲生日, 由於 HUEY 的"腸胃敏感定食" (指定食糧) 缺貨, 所以我就買了兩件玩具給他.



lam 呀 lam 呀, 好 high 呀 !

聞呀聞呀, 好好索呀 !

一於收埋入帳幕慢慢嘆 ^_^

16 April 2007

HKCLS 11th Championship Cat Show - 14 & 15 April 2007

With Anna's "secret weapon", Huey was so calm during the show.

This Japanese judge said Huey has got BIG ROUND EYES @_@.
Huey got the 9th Best Cat in Premiership in this Ring 4.

Huey responded very well to this lady and made her so happy!
Huey got the 8th Best Cat in Premiership in this Ring 3.

This Japanese judge was a funny guy and knew how to catch our attention.
Huey got the 8th Best Cat in Premiership in this Ring 1.

Thank you Anna and Lyman for letting me to have Huey. Also thanks Anna for teaching me how to keep Huey in good condition and thanks Lyman for teaching me about cat show's information.

Huey was tired after two days' show.

Huey is always the BEST CAT in my heart!


復活節假期去逛街, 被我發現了這套平靚正的玩具, 十蚊九個膠波波, 吉吉島十元店有售.
Size 剛剛好, 唔怕碌了入柜底, 貓貓又追又搶, 仲識得自己用手拎起抛波去追, 貓貓玩得不亦樂乎!