28 August 2006

是敵是友? 非敵非友?

佢地隔住貓袋都會 . . . . . huey 勁 feeeeeee 而 mike 就出爪 . . . . . 結局係 huey 會慘叫, mike 的口中手中全部都係 huey 的毛.

但有時又好似無事發生過咁 . . . . .

嘿! 我係斯文貓, 唔鐘意郁手郁腳o既!

哈! 就算你出招, 你估你一定打得贏我?


一個太容易估中的遊戲 . . . . . wakaka . . . . .

鼻哥 1 號

鼻哥 2 號

22 August 2006

Meow Meow Trio 貓貓三重唱

開始養第三隻貓, 所以都係時候將呢個 blog 改名為 "Meow Meow Trio 貓貓三重唱", 我家貓貓三重唱就係開罐頭的時候, 一直叫到有得食為止.

請大家繼續支持, 謝謝!

09 August 2006

Hong Kong International Cat Show - August 2006 [Result]

Huey's rosettes!

Huey's result:
Seventh Best Cat in Premiership
Second Best Premier
Best Shorthair Premier
Second Best Shorthair Premier
Best Champion Premier of Breed Division x 6
Best of Breed x 6
Best of Color x 6
First Place x 6

Milk's result:
Household Pet Merit Award x 6

Hong Kong International Cat Show - August 2006 [Milk]

Ring 4 - kekeke . . . . . you are so fluffy ^_^

Ring 5 - hm... relax darling, I wont' hurt you.

Ring 3 - Hello, sweetie! un gu gu ah!

Ring 6 - Hey girl, you are so pretty ^0^

Hong Kong International Cat Show - August 2006 [Huey]

Ring 4 - Come on, look at me darling!

Ring 5 - Big boy, you have a strong body!

Ring 6 - Oh I love this long hair boy.

Ring 1 - I wish I could have your long curly hair.

Ring 2 - This boy has nice curly hair and good body shape.

Ring 3 - Babe, you have a sweet face ^_^

Hong Kong International Cat Show - 5 & 6 August 2006

It is always good to enroll more than one cat in the cat show.  Huey and Milk can keep each other accompany and feel less stress.

Feliway Spray

Feliway Spray said to be good to make cats feel less stress.  I bought one spray and used it during the cat show.  It worked!

During judging time, the judge was busy with something else and let Huey stayed on the judging table "freely".  To my surprise, Huey was not scared at all.